Mesothelioma Vs Cord Blood

Posted by goo goo Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In this post I would like to briefly talk about the most common questions that came up about the study in the blog comments and on Twitter.

Why Isn’t Mesothelioma In The Top 20?!

By far the most common question people were asking was about the apparent demise of mesothelioma among the most expensive keywords. Several years ago a study was released that found “Mesothelioma” to be the most expensive keyword in the world. Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer, usually caused by exposure to asbestos, is very valuable to search marketers because of million-dollar asbestos lawsuit settlements. So why isn’t “mesothelioma” in the top 20?
Our study was different from the older study because we looked for large, high-volume keyword categories, as opposed to looking for just expensive individual keywords. So keywords containing the word “Mesothelioma” wererolled up in several of our top keyword categories, including #19, the “Treatment” category (example search query: “Mesothelioma Treatment”) as well as our “Attorney” and “Lawyer” keyword categories (e.g. “mesothelioma lawsuit”).

What Is Cord Blood? What’s That Doing There?

A lot of people were wondering about cord blood, what it is and why it’s on the list. Take this discussion on Wired for example:

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